LVNG Fundamentals
LVNG Learning Environment
Adopting the latest scientific research in the field of technological applications in education
Pursue accreditation and registration with the top international accreditation bodies to ensure the highest quality of educational service.
Attention to the development of the learners in all aspects; not only from an academic perspective but also to build the character from a wholesome aspect with a focus on ethical, health, sports and artistic development.
Positive partnerships with parents and civil society for the benefit of the learners
Whenever possible; readiness for learners with special needs through the presence of qualified cadres to deal with learners with special abilities
To ensure the recruitment of qualified and experienced personnel
The availability of a centre for developmental activities in addition to the basic learning environment that serves students, employees, parents and the surrounding community
Provide support and counseling services to learners and parents at the secondary level to assist them in joining university education
LVNG Learners
Respect the local culture, language, and society and get familiar with its traditions and customs
Perseverance and diligence to achieve excellence and achieve goals
Mutual respect and understanding of others
Honesty, loyalty, mercy, and charity
Keeping pace with the latest developments and findings in various fields
Preserving the environment
Paying attention to self-development